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Common Birds that Can be Seen Around Our Apartments by The Villages, FL

One of the nice parts about living at PepperTree Apartment Homes is that it is in beautiful Central Florida, where there is also plenty of wildlife around to view. Among this wildlife is an array of birds, many of which you may not even need to leave the property to see. Here are some common birds that can be seen at our Central Florida community:

  • American Robin — For most of the country, this bird symbolizes the beginning of spring, and this is because the robin likes to make Florida its home during the winter. These birds are characterized by a gray body, black head, and red-orange belly.

  • Great Blue Heron – Although these birds are often found in marshes and swamps, it’s not uncommon to see them in more developed areas, as well. These large birds have a gray-blue plumage that gives them their name and long beaks that are ideal for catching the fish that they like to eat.

  • Osprey — These birds of prey are often mistaken for eagles, but are easily distinguished by a couple characteristics. Ospreys are smaller than eagles, and they also have black feathers and heads, whereas eagles tend to be browner in color.

  • Northern Mockingbird — This is actually the state bird of Florida, and it is extremely common to see them around our community. These birds have light gray bellies, dark gray backs, and a bright white stripe that can be seen across their wings when expanded.

By using this handy guide, our residents can be on their way to identifying the birds they see around our apartments by The Villages, FL. If you are not a resident of our beautiful community, but are interested in becoming one, contact us today or stop by our leasing office. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.