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Wildwood, Florida Apartments Are Perfect for Growing Orchids Indoors

Although it may be hard to believe, there are actually more species of orchids than there are species of birds. Most commonly found in tropical climates, orchids have been appreciated for centuries for their beauty. From the Greeks to the Aztecs to the greenhouses of wealthy Victorians, the allure of this magnificent flower has resonated for centuries.

Orchids can certainly be difficult to grow, but the quirky, unpredictable nature of their blooming process is one of their most fascinating aspects. Below are a few tips for growing indoor orchids in Wildwood, Florida Apartments:

  • First, with all indoor plants, make sure to protect your floor from water and soil that might escape the pot and damage your apartment’s carpet or tile.
  • Begin with your orchid in a small pot. The delicate nature of the orchid’s root system requires it to have quite a bit of support as it matures.
  • Find a place in your apartment with natural sunlight. While an orchid will thrive in a tropical climate, it shouldn’t be directly in harsh sunlight, so find a spot near, but not directly in front of, a window. This shouldn’t be a problem with all the wonderful Wildwood, FL sunshine!
  • Water the orchid every few days. Since orchids are native to humid climates, occasional misting also can be beneficial.
  • Choose the correct potting mix. Orchids require quite a bit of air circulation around their roots, so thick, saturated soil will inhibit the growing process. Instead, find an orchid mix made of bark, moss, rocks, or charcoal.

Even if you never thought you had a green thumb, try your hand at orchid growing. When your friends come over they’ll be amazed at the beautiful and exotic species you’ve been able to grow. If you’d like more information about PepperTree Apartments in Wildwood, or you’d like a tour so you can find the perfect place to put your orchid, contact our office today.